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Hire for Ability and Diversity 

Thank you for your interest in becoming one of our amazing hiring partners.  We want to help you identify diamonds in the rough and develop them into top-performing sellers and fill your open sales roles


Please complete this form and someone from our team will contact you within the next 2 days.


Have an amazing day. Talk to you soon!

Let's Get Started

Thank you! We look forward to connecting soon

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How It Works

Our mission is to attract talented individuals from untraditional backgrounds, provide them with comprehensive training, then match them with you.

Step One

Start Your Free Trial

Create a free company profile in under 5 minutes and begin searching through our database of high-quality, pre-screened graduates actively interviewing for positions.

Step Three

Hire qualified candidates.

There are no placement fees. You only pay when a student accepts and schedules an interview. This allows you to find qualified candidates risk-free and reduce your total cost per hire to less than $900 on average compared to job boards that cost an average of $4000+. During the free 14 day trial there is zero cost to request an interview and hire our graduates.

Step Two

Browse our database.

Filter based on location, work preferences, final exam score, and much more to find the perfect candidate in minutes instead of weeks. Access final exam questions/answers, resumes, and verbally recorded answers to common screening questions before sending out an interview request.

Step Four

Celebrate and find more talent!

Find the ideal candidate and come back to choose from our growing student network!

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